My wife and I have been married for 51 years. It took me a while to figure out the lesson you eloquently wrote about here. My wife is an excellent cook, and I can't cook. We're the perfect pair. However, early in our marriage, I would leave her to clean up while I entertained myself, the kids, and our company. I finally realized that I needed to do my part spontaneously. So, my sarcastic rule is that she messes up the kitchen (fixing dinner, canning, baking, etc.), and I clean up the kitchen, run the dishwasher, empty it, empty the wastebaskets, take out the trash, sweep, do the get the picture. My wife has always worked hard at everything she does, and so should I. That doesn't sound very sexy, but it is. Thanks for an excellent article. I would only add that communicating needs in a relationship is critical to the health and maintenance of that relationship.